Russian Roskomandzor stated the problem with “white-lists” of web-sites, which are not to be blocked in Russia, is now resolved. The “white-lists” are a list of web-sites which internet service providers don’t have to block in Russia. Thanks to black-lists of web-sites, which are to be blocked in Russia, the owners or operators of web-sites, abiding Russian law, could be blocked.
The owners or operators of web-sites, blocked in Russia, replaced their original IP addresses by IP addresses of web-sites abiding a law, so-called legal web-sites. As a result the internet users have had no access to legal web-sites, like Yandex or Russian social network Vkontakte. In order to avoid restriction of access to legal web-sites Roskomnadzor promptly made mailing to communication operators with so called “white lists” of web-sites.
Now, according to Roskomnadzor, the problem is resolved. The authority knows “how to avoid a blocking of legal web-site and monitors and tracks DNS attacks, which can help to replace IP addresses”. But it does not exclude the situation when white-lists will be necessary again. “It is a war. Relevant authorities know who is behind of this attack”, – stated deputy of Roskomnadzor’s CEO. Therefore Roskomnadzor has withdrawn the letters on white lists to internet service providers.
But not only “white lists” made troubles. Black list, where Roskomnadzor keeps URLs of all web-sites, which are to be blocked in Russia, also requires attention of authority. Black list is not endless, in other words the quantity of records (addresses) is limited. Sometimes different authorities add the same URL to this black list and currently there is not so many “place” for new web-sites in black list. Therefore Roskomnadzor will bring it in order; some records (duplicates of the same addresses) will be excluded. The black list can contain no more than 1 mln records. This is a limit.