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Month: October 2017

Proposals to Directive on copyright in DSM – collaboration between ISP and rightholders

Collaboration between information society service providers and rightholders is essential for the functioning of the measures, such as content recognition technologies. These measures should be applied with regard to works and other subject-matter identified by rightholders at the request of such rightholders and in cooperation with them.

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Tackling illegal content online

A harmonised and coherent approach to removing illegal content does not exist at present in the EU. Indeed, different approaches exist in the EU depending on Member States, content category, or type of online platform. A more aligned approach would make the fight against illegal content more effective. It would also benefit the development of the Digital Single Market and reduce the cost of compliance with a multitude of rules for online platforms, including for new entrants. It is important to stress that what constitutes “illegal” content is determined by specific legislation at the EU level, as well as by national law.

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The restriction of access to online stores in Russia will become the matter of taxation

Russian authorities want their piece of pie from borderless trade. Russian customers have positive experience in buying goods or services from abroad from foreign companies through their web-site or services available also in Russia. Russian customers pay real money and overseas companies make profits from such purchases, but Russian government does not receive taxes from such purchases, but it really wants to do.

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Russian Roskomnadzor has created a special department handling possibilities to restrict access to internet services

In one of Roskomnadzor’s organisations, in Federal State Unitary Organisation (FGUP) “The main radio-frequency center”, has been created a special department. This department should discover, explore and analyse a different opportunities of restriction of access to different internet services. It would make practical experiments and research in the field of blocking of access to internet resources for ISP customers.

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Russian TV companies have reached agreement in order to guard their positions in market

Chiefs of Russian television companies – Russian First channel, All Russian tele-radio-broadcasting company, GasProm Media, STS media and National Media Group – have reached preliminary arrangement at the meeting. Russian TV companies want to protect brands and keep exclusive in popular TV shows without buyout of rights in content.

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2017 report on EU customs enforcement of intellectual property rights

The annual publication of the result of customs actions at the EU external borders provides an opportunity to measure the scale of customs actions to enforce IPR. Newly published report on EU customs enforcement on IPR contains statistical information about the detentions made under customs procedures and includes data on the description, quantities and value of the goods, their provenance, the means of transport and the type of intellectual property right that may have been infringed.

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SWD Impact assessment on the modernisation of EU copyright rules – options to achieve the objectives: baseline and option 1

It were assessed the baseline scenario, one non-legislative and two legislative options to facilitate licensing in order to enhance cross-border transmissions of TV and radio programmes online. The considered options are enabling options aiming to facilitate licensing of rights, in order to allow the market to respond gradually to legal and policy changes.

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Third edition of USA copyright office compendium – who may file an application for copyright registration

The only parties who are eligible to be the copyright claimant are (i) the author of the work, or (ii) a copyright owner who owns all of the exclusive rights in the work. A person or entity who owns one or more—but less than all—of the exclusive rights in a work is not eligible to be a claimant.

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Russian Roskomnadzor under enforcement fire due to fraud allegations

Three top executives of Russian Roskomnadzor are under investigation. Russian investigative committee has initiated a criminal case and leads investigation in relation to executives of Roskomnadzor. There are three persons involved in this case – Vadim Ampelonsky (press secretary of Roskomnadzor), Boris Edidin (chief of legal department at Roskomnadzor) and Aleksandr Veselchakov.

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