Within next five years Russia must develop its own digital law, believes deputy of Russian minister of economic development Savva Shipov. “Actually we need to create new digital law. It is necessary to achieve all these goals within next five years. It is maximum term we have. Afterwards it will be impossible to take a chance,” – he said.
Development of legal system designed for digital era will consist of three stages. First stage presumes elimination of obstacles to development of digital environment. Employment agreements in writing and employment book (contains employment records, where natural person has worked and how long) will stay in the past.
At the second stage the questions of big data must be resolved. Who can collect it; to define the terms and conditions regulating their obtainment from the state and other things. At the third stage it is intended to change the legal framework by way of integration of information components into the law. “There are many developing technologies falling outside the regulation of current Russian law. It is necessary to change it,” – he added.