The main purpose is to protect the rights of users, who visit and use web-site. Many people, if not all in common cases, don’t read terms and conditions before to accept the offer proposed by the web-site. Some of users don’t even know about such things as terms and conditions. Most of users start reading them only if any problem arises.
Russian president’s assistant Igor Shegolev oversees the group developing unified standard terms and conditions. If web-site works with Russian citizens it must have standard terms and conditions protecting rights of users, who don’t read them. There is a “road map” describing how it should be done.
As believes Igor Shegolev, standard options of terms and conditions are necessary. Approach in designing of terms and conditions for users of web-sites should be unified. In such case a user does not need to read them again and again on each web-site. Standard terms and conditions should pay attention not only to user’s obligations but also to their certain rights, including management of their personal data.
Some stakeholders explained that usually user agreement requires permission to transmit a personal data to third persons. When user agrees with terms and conditions, his personal data usually are sold in market place. Such practice should be prevented. Such standard terms and conditions should provide clear rules – what is allowed to do with user’s data and what is forbidden. It should be a common recommendation. The wording of terms and conditions should be the choice of business.