First vice-premier Igor Shuvalov has sent directive to executives of state companies. This directive aims to put Russian software in strong demand among Russian state companies. Executives of such companies must endeavour to buy it for companies’ needs and purposes.
Within 10 days state companies should organise meetings of their board of directors and develop so called strategy to shift to Russian software. Representatives from Russian state must vote for changes in procurement procedures of companies in order to make it possible to give priority to Russian software. In order to be bought Russian software must be in the Single registry of Russian software for PC and data base. Ministry of communication is responsible for its maintaining. It consists of more than 1000 positions.
The choice in favor of foreign software must comply with two conditions – the Russian analogue of required software must not be included in the registry and Russian analogue must be not competitive due to certain reasons. In both cases company must publicly prove its choice of foreign software within 7 days. The same rules and procedures are for subsidiary companies.
Russian state authorities must abide similar rules. If state authority needs software and decides to acquire licence on foreign software, first of all it must check registry – whether there is Russian analogue.
In such way Russian authorities aim to give more opportunities for Russian software in marketplace without restriction of competition. First of all it should not harm the quality of product and create any conditions for malpractice.