Russian Roskomnadzor along with working group of right holders developed new amendments to law “About information, its protection and informational technologies” and Russian administrative code. Amendments introduce new mechanism for fight with piracy with aim to help right holders. They contain definitions of “mirrors” and allow right holder to require a permanent blocking of not only main pirate web-site but also its mirrors in court at once. According to proposed amendments “mirror” is a “derivative site” with similar name and content and also is synchronized with original site even in case if information on such “mirror” is translated in other language.
Amendments also provide fines for persons who “propagandise” different means of access to web-sites permanently blocked by the court. For officials the fine is 3-5 thousands roubles, for legal entities the fine is 50-100 thousands roubles. Under proposed amendments search engines must exclude from search results any links to resources where according to court decision is hosted pirated content. Russian Internet company Yandex believes Russian right holders have unexampled opportunities to block content in internet and proposes to address hosting providers if pirate content is found on certain web-site. If pirated content on such web-site will be deleted, link to this web-site also will disappear from search results, company explained.
There are also proposed fines up to 100 thousands roubles for communication operators if they refuse to restrict access to web-sites in internet by Roskomnadzor’s request. If operator fails to block resource during 24 hours the fine is 3-5 thousands roubles for officials, 10-30 thousands roubles for individual entrepreneurs and 50-100 thousands roubles for legal entities. The same fines are provided in a case if operator fails to provide access to blocked information.