How private copying levy must be collected in Russia? IV part of Civil code of Russian Federation (CC RF) grants authors, performers and producers of phonograms and audio-visual works exclusive reproduction right in order to control a certain use of relevant subject of intellectual property. Article 1245 of CC RF provides certain exception for copies of phonograms or audio-visual works made only for private purposes – “Authors, performers, producers of phonograms and audio-visual works have the right to receive remuneration for free reproduction of phonograms and audio-visual works only for private purposes”. For example, there is no remuneration for free reproduction of musical works for private purposes. But existing mechanism of collection, allocation and distribution of levy can take in account the interests of songwriters and musical publishers along with interests of producers and performers. If one composer creates musical work, other writer creates a text and producer, using musical work and text, makes sound recording, why producer and performer have the right to receive remuneration for free reproduction of phonogram when composer and writer don’t have the right to receive remuneration for free reproduction of musical work and text? Why Russian law discriminates creators, owners of intellectual property rights? Even if you have a great talent, in most cases in order to create a phonogram you need at least text and musical accompaniment.
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